Monday, June 10, 2024

Taking shape

 Busy day on the lobby. Bruce thought our efforts were pretty good but would look better if we had more timber.

Jill went out to the byre and poked around. We had 4 strips left that were very very bashed.

As you can see they were very rough. After a morning of scraping, they were ok. A good sand and  a coat of paint later.....

Will need more paint and some caulking but very pleased with how it looks. A couple of the boards needed cutting. Jill can't cut a straight line to save her life so luckily Bruce did that bit.

Bruce also laid the cables upstairs and boxed them in behind the cupboards so they stay put!.

Jill did more caulking around the bathroom door, coving and between the new boards.

Still wet and miserable

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