Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Not going quite to plan

 Both Bruce and Jim started on the old extension roof. The plan started at the stat. The ridge tiles needed removing as there was a small leak. Unfortunately two broke  so we are now trying to source replacements. 

Jill went into town to get some lichen killer and roof paint and then spent the afternoon scraping off the lichen .

It was a lovely evening so Jill went for a walk to the cliffs. Good to see the Arctic terns back. Los of wild flowers too.


The house is looking lovely.

The whoopers might be setting up a nest in the field and the Kittiwakes are doing well too.

Today Bruce and Jim discovered the cause of the roof leak was the lead flashing - which our first builder said he had fixed. It has now come off and Jim hired a grinder to get it out from under the harl.

Jill popped back into town to by some new lead. ( And found a really lovely plant place at Frakkafield). Then this afternoon she worked some more on the cobbles path using some china found in the wall.

Tonight we went to Melby lots of waders and too many photos. Starting with an amazing otter experience. Too many to download to a full phone so some will go up tomorrow.

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...