Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Old plaster

 Bruce still isn't that well so he came for the morning to work on the door ogee. It takes longer using the old bits but with effort they come up looking good.

We hope he is feeling better tomorrow. He did go a funny colour!

Jill continued chunking out the old mortar. It's a really messy job and pings everywhere - you don't want to know where! There was some old lime plaster left which has been particularly messy to get off.

It was obviously painted red at some point. It us a slow job but looks good when done. If needs wire brushing and stone cleaner on it now.

Rob did well today working on the newell posts again. The old black varnish is a stinker to get off.

We were going to use a coloured varnish but think we will use a natural colour the wood is so nice. 

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