Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Bit windy

 Well it got the washing dry but needed a lot of pegs!

Chilly northerly too. 

We had no Bruce today as he was feeling a bit meh. So spoilt for things to do so it ended up being out in the stable cutting up the last if the scrap wood. What's kept will be enough to burn the two nets we found.

Rob had his pneumoccocal ( if thats how you spell it) vacaccine today so hopefully he wont get pneumonia  again. Good plan.

This afternoon, Jill started shifting some of the rock where tge extension will go, there is a lot to move,while Rob tried his new scraper on the stairs.

It started drizzling so it was out with the Henry to hoover the wall, the one that got rumbled yesterday. It also had a brush with a wire brush. Still needs work but getting there.

We finally, after 17 months, managed to get Netflix working so being a bit of a horrible evening,we sat and watched a comedy. Made a change.

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