Thursday, August 10, 2023


 Weather was better today. Went from drying the washing 2 days ago in an hour and a half to sat out there all day and still damp!

Bruce was upstairs again putting the ogee that he scraped and sanded yesterday, round the door.  Then he undercoated 3 sets if ogee.

Rob was working on the newell posts again. He nearly has one done.  Jill told him she wouldn't put this picture up. Bit of a fib!.

Jill was back in the porch have on the stone work. Rob reckons it sounds like escape from Alcatraz. Today one wall has a coat of acid on it to try and clean it up. It didn't work, so it was back to chip, chip, chip.

A thoroughly messy day out there. 
To get rid of the dust, Jill had a quick local patch check, but there wasn't much about. A few gulls, diving Gannets, Turnstone, Wheatear, Grey Seal and one remaining Arctic Tern with parent.


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