Monday, August 7, 2023

Dunna chuck bruck!

 Another stunner of a day. It was a shame we were all working inside.

Bruce was working on doors upstairs. Another now has its knobs on, one of the others has been rehung as it wasnt playing ball ( old doors in old frames) and Rob did lots more sanding. Jill tidied up the pointed wall downstairs and started rumbling the walls in the porch.


It's a very messy job!

For a change, Jill decided to go down the bottom beachcombing and looking for shells. It was a lovely afternoon . Found the shells we need for the next windowsill.

They are called Grotie Buckies here. ( mini conches). Also collected a bag of chucked bruck.

It was quiet on the beach with just a seal watching the rubbish collecting. There were a few gannets, tystie, guillimots, kittiwakes, shags, pipits and gulls.

The light was really beautiful and the water ridiculously clear.

Some gorgeous flowers in the boggy bits on the way home. Grass of Parnissus, Marsh Willowherb, Lousewort and Sneezeweed.




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