Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday drive

 The weather was a bit up and down today but ended with a beautiful evening.

Giving Jill a day off from pointing, we took a drive around, starting on the local patch.

Melby was quiet,  but there were a few wheatears still around and a few gulls. The Wren family are now fledged.

There were two grey herons at the Bridge of Walls. One was a bit close!

We then drove to Sumburgh for the cafe which unfortunately was closed ( again) so we stopped for a quick puffin watch and midge dodging session.

It was then to Grutness Pool as the Hudsonian Godwit is still around, but we didn't see it. We did however bump into some friends old and new- one after the other. Richard Ashbee sheltered in the car while it rained, we had a lovely chat with Julie who has been on Shetland  a long time and is very knowledgable about local birdwatching,  Matt, who Rob has known for a very long time and Andrew and Penny. It was a lovely surprise to bump into them as we didn't know they were living here at the moment. They both were a great help when we organised the Norfolk Bird and Wildlife Fair. 
 It was then back to the birdwatching. Lots of waders about again and some lovely Hooded Crows at Scalloway.

We were pleased to catch up with the Mergansers at Tingwall. Mum still had 14 of the 20 youngsters.

Super dooper day.

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