Friday, July 21, 2023

Little bit of black and white

Bruce gave the ceiling got a coat of pva this morning ready to paint and Jill put the first coat on it this afternoon.

We did another run to the tip with lots of plasterboard off cuts and Rob had a foot check at the hospital. This afternoon the Electric company came out to see what was going on with our electrics. Hopefully they will be back soon to finish off.

A quick trip  to the GPs to pick up some medication had 28 Northen Wheatears on our little road. Never seen so many.

Then it was along to Burrastow for a little while to see if there was any black and Whites passing through. 
Got one!

Bet you thought we meant Orcas. Ha ha.!
 Also had lots of snipe, more rabbits and curlews.

There were also still large numbers of gulls around fields by the house.

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