Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Creation reveal.

 Well the resin has set and we quite like the results. It's a good fit with the hole left in the recycled Thames barge timbers from possibly a bolt.

Bfuce did a skim on the wall and the headed off to get his still black and blue knee checked. We went early as Rob had a hospital appointment for a minor surgery pre assessment. We got back just after lunch and Rob cleaned the car while Jill cut the very long grass. New pattern!!

Got bored of going round in circles so tried a figure of eight. It took an extra 1500 steps so probably won't occur again!

When the car was cleaning we did s little drive round. Found a nice Tystie at West Burrafirth with a few Terns.

Not a bad day. Looking forward to our first Wildlife day here with a paying customer tomorrow so might be back to late to blog.

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Lots of walking

 Sam, Ro and Jill still soaking up London. Another super day and we snuck over the 20000 steps. In the morning we headed to Temple where we ...