Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Far West, Cowboy country.

 The scaffolding was finally all taken down today. We won't be using them again!!!!!

The language was pretty colourful all day too. But it's down.

Jill got on with painting the Joyce. We know it's patchy but we work which ever bit is out of the wind. Today it was round the front.

Bruce  was upstairs doing the fiddly bits taping and filling. Can't say we blame him for being fed up of it, we made it awkward in there.

Jim popped in four minutes a few hours to sort the door for the cupboard in the porch and to pick up the tools he needs go put his neighbours bathroom in. It's going to be so cosy in there.

Before tea we went for a quick patch check. The Arctic terns are back and we had a Sanderling at Melby. Never tire of these cuties. Lots of Wheatears on the beach too.

Jill was tempted to lambnap the cutest little one at the top of the road. 

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