Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Can Bentley come out to play?

 Bentley and Nutmeg have struck up quite a friendship. She sits on the windowsill looking for him and waits by the front door sometimes. She is definately getting more used to us. We do put food out for her in the barn on the croft.

Haven't seen the other one for a while. Maybe he is off sowing his oats. We hope Shetland Cats will catch him one day.

Jill did lots of planting today and created a new bed where the previous owners liked to plant roses. One large bag if rubbish including an old kettle, more rope and lots of bits of plastic bag. One more glass float found which needs cleaning up.

The roses are all looking OK but will get some attention in the autumn.

Did a bit of painting this afternoon but the wind was blowing it everywhere. The sea was a bit rough too.

Bruce worked on the loft door today which is going well although it wasn't as easy as we had hoped cutting a bit off the bottom.

It was a fresh wind still this evening so we didn't go out for long but nice to see lots of evidence of nesting about. Oystercatcher hasn't picked the best of places!

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