Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tight squeeze

 Jim was the first to arrive today. He made the suggestion of getting up top to pressure wash the lichen off the harl on the chimney and gable ends  It seemed a bit mad as it got wetter as the day went on but we are very grateful as it really needed doing.

It also gave Michael the chance to go in the attic and look at the small leaks we have left. He thinks he has worked out what is going on.
We finally got the delivery we have been expecting. We now have a bedroom door. Unfortunately the delivery man, bizarrely put the bolt across on the outside of the door. This was the result!

We managed to get the door open!

Michael came back round and started putting some more plasterboard up.  This means we can get the electricians back in. Jill, in the meantime, worked in the hall cleaning up the stair skirting, ( gosh there was some muck behind it) did some sanding and filled some more holes in the wall.

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