Sunday, December 18, 2022

Ploughs been

 We managed to get all the way to the house today in the car as the ploughs had been out for the engineers. It was amazing, we had really missed the house. Apparently, when they had put the cable back they realised the transformer had blown. They were back up the pole today.

The power was back on at 5pm but bottles of drink inside are frozen so we have stayed an extra night in the hotel to give the house  time to warm up a bit. We did give the kitties lots of cuddles today. Jill also emptied the freezer. It was already stinky in there. Luckily there is still time to replace it before Christmas. The power, apparently, will be off and on a bit for a while as they tidy up the system.

Foula looked beautiful covered in snow.

Jill's cold hasn't improved so we headed back to the hotel for our last night. 

 There was some lovely light today.

Back home tomorrow to get some more house done

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