Saturday, October 8, 2022


 After such a good day yesterday we decided to head out again before the weather changes.

First stop was to Gott for a turtle dove that has been visiting a bird feeder for quite a while.

 It showed well but was distant as it was at the back of the garden. Always good to see one though as they have been in such decline.

We then headed to Scalloway to see what was in the harbour. There was a Slavonian Grebe right at the other side. 

The rest of the day we did some cruising and explored Burra and Tondra which are absolutely beautiful. We found a small loch packed with lots of snipe, Whooper swans and waders just near it on the beach.

Then it was off to find a new spot. Minn beach. It is stunning.

As a follow on from yesterday. Unfortunately the Least Bitterns body weight was too low to recover. It died overnight. Very sad.

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