Monday, September 19, 2022

Lovely find

 We were on the ferry again so heading to Lerwick. Rob had some things to sort out so Jill popped out to check the local patch.

 Still a few skylarks about but not the same numbers as the day before. The plantation had nothing so it was off to  Melby. Lots of gannets but not much else so it was back to the car. Just about at the last bit before the pair there was a small wader. Jill presumed it was a red-necked phalarope but after taking a few photos wasn't so sure. A quick check with Rob led to the identification of a grey phalarope. A scarce bird on Shetland.

Off home quickly to collect Rob so he could see it before we left, then on the ferry to Aberdeen.

This time an appointment for Jill and a quick biopsy. We had planned on doing some shopping but everything was closed so we headed out for some site seeing. Ythan Estuary, Slain castle, Cruden Bay, Collieston and Haddo. It was a lovely but fleeting tour.

It's amazing what you can pack in a day.
Then it was back on the ferry!

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