Thursday, August 25, 2022

Nissan hut day

 We decided to have a change, as it was a beautiful day, and work outside. The Nissan hut hasn't had much love for ages, apart from shifting the rubbish out. It needed to be made watertight so we can use it, but there were many holes, missing windows and redundant plumbing.

 Jill had already practised her pointing on a few of the holes but it was now time to tackle the big ones. We also remembered there were some old windows in the attic - fingers crossed they would be useful. We were in luck, one was an almost perfect fit. Up in the attic you can see what Michael has been up to. The view through the replaced window light is fabulous.

The window is old but with a bit of sanding and some paint it will be great.

You can see the hole on the left where the window is now.

 We have also put in a frame in the big window for some new glass. The other holes are now cemented and one has a copper child's toy helmet stuck in it. This will make a great nest for the blackbirds next year.

The cracks in the roof sheets have also been filled. Just needs a new door now.

The left over mortar was used to fill a few holes in the stable round the door, replacing some rotten timber with stones.

 The barn door got an undercoat today which makes it look tidy.

The landscape lens that broke on holiday came back from repair. Rob asked for it to be tested so naturally Jill took the cat.

Before tea, Jill went for a walk at Dale of Walls close to the house. She found a sparrowhawk at the plantation.

The beach was quiet so Jill headed off south to the cliffs. It was good to find the Watsness caves from above.

You can see the house behind the cliffs.

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