Thursday, July 7, 2022

Quiet day

 We were still taking it easy today and catching up on holiday washing so could have done with some better weather today. Still drizzly. Did get a small break in the rain which was just enough to cut some of the grass. It really grows quickly here.

We did some tidying up and found homes for a few things to give us some more space. It does get a bit cramped in the kitchen!

We headed out about 3.30pm to go South for the Broad billed sandpiper. It has been on the island for over 4 weeks but we didn't have time to go before the Canada trip. Sweet little chap was very obliging. You can see its size compared to a dunlin.

Stopped for some chips on the way home and sat in the car on the marina to eat them. Glad to see this Bonxy likes chips. Might give him more of a chance against the bird flu.

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