Saturday, July 9, 2022

Back to work

 We gave ourselves a bit of time off as we were more jet lagged than we thought.

 Jill started on the remaining back bedroom which is quite smelly due to the damp, dust and nicotine. The damp will take time, but the nicotine and dust can be fixed, so Jill started on that. By the end of the day the polystyrene, originally white, ceiling tiles and most of the nicotined wallpaper has gone.

This shows original and nicotined.

It probably won't make much difference to the smell but it's a start.

Rob spent the day sorting through what will be our bedroom to see which bits we can move to the container. It is mostly for materials but will also give us a bit more space.

The building consent forms for planning are taking a while but Rob should have them ready by Monday. Then, hopefully we can put the windows in.

We forgot to mention in the blog the other day that the stonemason came while we were away and Michael discussed what needs doing. He was not worried about the small wall hulge as he says it is historical. Everything else seems OK with a few minor repairs - so good news. We are gratefull to Michael for organising this.

The weather was a bit drizzly today so Jill went for a quick walk and bot to zmeet Linda, the new neighbour. Very lovely people.

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