Sunday, July 10, 2022

Interesting discovery

 We received the file from Scottish Heritage concerning the classification of the house. As it is a C listing it limits what we can do and we are looking at getting it delisted as lots of the information is incorrect and they do not know when it was built..

The file was quite interesting. Most of the photos show what we suspected. That they probably did not check them when they laid out the listing as most of the features they mentioned do not exist. There were two interesting photos though, one that clearly shows the knotweed was present when they listed the property and the 2nd older picture shows the house was white.

This is good as we want to paint it white but planning so far, have said no.

It drizzled all day so Rob has been doing paperwork and Jill carried on stripping wall paper and polystyrene tiles. It was then time for another bonfire.

The evening was still damp but we popped out to check on our patch. Lots of diving gannets and it was good to see lots of family groups about. A really dark Arctic Skua went past with a very long tail.

Philip the Pheasant was waiting for us on our return.

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