Sunday, June 5, 2022

Chicken run and wagtails

 It was a lovely day and got to 18 degrees and it was really calm. 

We did some bits round the house, Jill spent the morning erecting the chicken run  and Rob wrote to the Planning lady we now deal with. Its very time consuming and mostly  seems unneccesary. We have photographed more detail of the windows to show its pretty clear they need replacing. We have invited her to come out and see for herself.

Late afternoon we headed out for a Common Rosefinch in the South but we didn't find it. We did catch up with the 2 blue-Headed yellow wagtails at the Pool of Virkie though. It was really still. If you don't think it's ever not windy here look at the wind sock.


Sumburgh was still low on puffin numbers, but we found a few, and a nice twite too

Grutness didn't disappoint either and it was good to see the Ringed Plover chick's are still going strong.

Hedgehogs are always out and about here. We found this huge chap on the roadside near the house

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