Monday, December 2, 2024

Too much choice

 To end a good weekend, we headed back to the hall for advent teas. Jill went in the morning and spent a happy few hours making all the sandwiches. Then we went back to eat too much cake. Got to love Shetland afternoon teas. We also raised nearly £1k for the hall repairs.

We chilled with the cats  when we got home.

Can't believe it's nearly a year since this ginger whirlwind came in through the door dangling from Jill's hand as she thought she found a dead cat in the byre. Love you Geri been a good mental health buddy this year. Jill's PTSD has been bad recently due to stress  but this little being is a superstar.

We have been working on a logo for Robs business. Have too many possibilities to choose. Ai has been helping and it can't spell!

It's actually quite funny

1 comment:

  1. Did you get Steve Gantlett's email via your website OK or is it not working yet?


Made it

 Jill left early to head to the airport. It was 50mph winds and miserable. The in bound plane landed on time Take off was delayed as they to...