Saturday, May 25, 2024

2 days of birding.

 The amazing migration continues as the wind stays in the right direction bringing birds from Turkey and surrounds.

Yesterday after Robs appointment we headed South again. Checking Grutness, Quendale, Scatness, Virkie and we ended at Gulberwick to collect some roof tiles. It was amazing Turtle Dove, Icterine Warblers, Flycatchers etc.

Today we went back to Unst as Rob wanted to refind the Green Warbler. We didn't, but we had a pair of Red throated divers on the way to the ferry and found a Red backed Shrike

The Jill nearly killed herself walking the hill to Muckle Flugga. It's quite steep but well worth it.

We picked up a few extra bits and bobs on the way back. We even had time to stop at Muness.

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...