Thursday, April 11, 2024

Addition to yesterday

 Wasn't sure if we should put this up but have decided too. We had Mr Carmichael , our MP come to see us, to see what he can do to get us our solar panels from the grant scheme. We are just getting frustrated with obstacles being put in the way. Warmer homes Scotland says yes but their contractors, warmworks, say no!. It was a very good meeting ( he was amazed at the house) and he is now on it! He agrees with us and what we actually need to be self sufficient . Solar here we come, time to be positive. We also met Olaf from the constituency office. A really nice young man.

With all the excitement Jill forgot she took a couple of Wildlife photos. So here they are. Merganser and curlew

Today was all about a door. This door

It got a good strip and sand. 

This will be our peerie loo door.

Bruce has been sorting the new understairs bit. This will house charging points and the TV will mount in it. Also hoover hide hole.

 Everyone needs a hoover hidey hole.

Whilst at emptying the rubbish Jill met a new local. Janette, who is a very talented sea painter. We had a lovely chat and she came to look and see what we have been doing. She had been down at the beach painting and had the clever idea of carrying lunch and paint in a off reading shopping trolley!

If you'd like to see

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Lots of walking

 Sam, Ro and Jill still soaking up London. Another super day and we snuck over the 20000 steps. In the morning we headed to Temple where we ...