Monday, January 8, 2024

Walking the dog

 Off  to the vets first thing as Geri gets a bit snotty. Nothing major but she has a bit of a viral infection. She has put on lots of weight though which is great news.

After the vets, Jill collected some rubbish bags and went out collecting. There was a fair bit that had been blown around by the winds. It was quite a surprise to find 15 Shetland roses tossed in the ditches by the road. Two empty wine bottles too. Fergus, Jim's dog  came for some exercise and was quite good at finding rubbish.

Two bags full.

Then it was up in the attic for the rest of the day, smashing up to old headboards to get them out and a bit of a hoover. Must be about 100 years of dust up there!!.

 Found this, haven't a clue what it is although someone suggested it could be an Anglo saxon TV aerial.

Jim finished putting down the hall floor and sanding the ceiling and Bruce put up the frame for the ceiling upstairs.

It was actually a nice day today ending with a pretty sunset that seemed to last for ages.

Geri found herself on Jill's phone camera and took some photos.

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