Sunday, November 5, 2023

Visit to the scrapstore

 It was still pretty reasonable on the weather front so we made the most of it. We checked out a few of our usual spots and found Great Spotted Woodpecker and some very soggy Waxwings!

News of a White billed diver came out in the early afternoon at Voe. It wasn't very far so we went. Unfortunately we didn't find it, but we did have an immature Red-throated Diver instead- along with 3 Razorbills and some mergansers

Our friend Penny was considering looking at a house in Voe, so while we're there we drove past. It was an odd sort of house. Then Jill went to the Scrapstore and picked up a couple if bits. They had a sale on!

We didn't get back too late today and its frustrating as its supposed to be another good Aurora but now the sky has lots of thick cloud.

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