Friday, November 3, 2023

Bitsa day

 It was bits of this and bits of that today. First thing Jill added a 2nd coat to the door frame while Jim got on with the stairs. We left him to it for Robs usual Friday hospital appointment.

It's looking good- the white paint we tried first just kept peeling off!
We did yet another trip to the tip getting rid of some old broken fish boxes, some rusty metal and a very large split boat fender that unfortunately was full of water.
Then it was off to Jewsons to talk about ordering some bits next week. We saw a young otter running along the pavement right near a busy roundabout so we quickly turned round to make sure it was safe. It went into a garden.
We bought a sausage roll each and went looking for a firecrest while we ate. We found it but it was really mobile.

It was bouncing around with some goldcrests. You can really see the difference when they are close to each other.

Whilst on the subject of close, Jill was pleased to photograph Chiffchaff and Siberian Chiffchaff in the same shot..

There was a female Northern Bullfinch too.

Back in Lerwick to go and see a couple of cars, when news broke of a Grey Phalarope in the harbour. It was mighty gloomy.

Looking at motability cars is complicated as they all come with a different 'package' of payment and we still aren't sure about electric. Will be booking another test drive for Saturday

Then it was home for tea.

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