Sunday, August 13, 2023

Wildlife hospital

 Very quiet day today and not very nice out so, we stayed in.

 Jill did another few hours of Chipping away at the detritus stuck on the stone walls. It really is tedious! Then, while Rob did some paperwork, Jill had a quick check on Sandness. It was very quiet with one remaining Arctic Tern, a pair of tysties and some Pied Wagtails. The Wheatears followed  Jill around and a Grey Seal watched every move. The weather was really murky.

Yesterday we omitted something from the blog as it was quite distressing. Something had collided with a curlew and we stopped to move it over the road. After a quick look it became obvious the bird was in distress as its beak was snapped and its wing badly damaged.  Unfortunately there was nothing we could do for it as it was already gasping in shock.

Fly free friend.

Today we found a baby bunny in the porch. It is quite small so for now it is somewhere quiet and dark with food and water. It appears uninjured, just a bit shocked so hopefully we can release it with the others in the area tomorrow. It has a cute white flash on its head. No photos as we didn't want to stress it out. Maybe if we can release.

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