Monday, August 14, 2023

New idea

 The peerie bunny survived the night and was very feisty so Jill took him back to where the rest if the group are, up the road 

We will probably regret it as it'll be back to eat our plants!

It was a murky start to the day but all the birds seemed to be lined up outside the window on the wall first thing. So,  in the murk, Wheatear and pipit.

Bruce had the idea of putting a flap sander on the drill to clean the stone. It works better than other tools so that's a success- but it takes ages

Upstairs, Bruce put the last door back on and painted the door frames again.

One of the plants Catherine and Finlay gave us has flowered. It's very pretty and seems to be OK in the wind. The new Rose we planted last year is doing OK too.

 It was an odd day. Very warm but still mist over water so the Loch looked like a film set.

As it was so nice, Jill went to find the plantation at Kinkwell. Franks Forest.

There were lots of Greylags around it and a couple of Wood Pigeons. Then a quick walk at Burrastow caught up with an Arctic Skua family and the first autumnal Great Northern Diver.

There were 3 chiff chaffs at Hoganess too.
 It was a lovely evening - but lots of midges


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Bit of gardening

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