Tuesday, July 4, 2023


 Upstairs the last bedroom is coming on well. The last bits of plasterboard were carried upstairs ready for Bruce and Jill to plasterboard the ceiling tomorrow as the last wall is now done.

 We did some investigating on the electricity and still aren't sure why the bills are so high since we have changed to a lower rate!

The grass needed cutting again so it was good it stayed dry  although some of the clouds thought about it.

Rob was tired so spent most of the day in bed so Jill left him sleeping and went for a walk at Burrastow.

2 otters but distant but the Red throated Divers were very active. A pair happily followed along behind me curious about my walk. It got interesting when a third appeared and caught a sizeable fish right by them. After a while one of the pair dived and came right up underneath stealing the fish.!

To be fair , Jill didn't think the diver could swallow it anyway.

Lots of wildflowers including Golden Rod and Sherps bit.

It is a lovely walk.

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