Saturday, May 20, 2023

Gap filling

 This morning, as the weather was decidedly damp, we stayed at home. Jill worked upstairs on the new boarding, caulking the gaps.

Makes it look tidier. Just a bit of finishing and then back to painting.

Rob worked on the plans as we have a few changes to make because of the materials and to make it simpler.

 This afternoon we went out for a couple of hours to catch up with the Scaup at Tingwall. We found it, although it was distant.

We also had an otter and Mergansers while we there and Jill found a Wood Sandpiper.

As the Eastern Subalpine Warbler was still in Lerwick we went back for another look. It was much more mobile and was following a Willow Warbler around for some of the time.

We can't expect everything to go well in life and its not all roses at the moment. We are massively grateful to our family and friends Unfortunately we have had a biggish problem with a local service company and have decided we have to stand our ground as it could, potentially , mean someone gets hurt. On a small island we are very conscious not to upset people but we have discovered we are not the only ones so will be continue. By speaking to  the other person who also has had a problem with the company today, we feel better and have made a new friend. Hopefully we can help each other.  Sometimes good things come out of bad.

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