Monday, April 10, 2023

Creative team

Nasty morning windy and wet. 

Jim and Bruce have been discussing the wall near the front door, now all the cables are gone. Today they started on it, with Jim removing a small area of stone to fit in a new lintel. This will be made from more of the Thames barge.

Hopefully it will be ready to go in place tomorrow. Its going to look amazing.

In-between, while Jim was working on the area the lintel will go, Bruce and Jill worked on sanding and undercoating the skirting. They are the originals so need some work.

The reseated window upstairs has worked and the windowsill is now dry so we can put the stud walling back in during the next few days.

As the sun came out briefly at 4.30pm we went to get some fresh air. Quick drive to the beach for some more Great Northern Divers. There were only 5 today.

There were also lots if Cormorants and Shags passing through and good numbers of waders on the beach.

Two pairs of rock pipits were also chasing each other shouting.

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