Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Pretty impressive day

 Jill got started early with some painting so it had time to dry. When Jim and Bruce arrived it got messy. Jill and Bruce rejigged some of the cables to tidy them up. It was messy causing mini avalanches of dust and grit.

 Before and after shots.

This will help our changed plan down the line.

Jim worked on the mantlepiece which is being made from recycled timber from an old Thames barge. Bruce worked with him after dorting cables

Jill and Rob left to go shopping at lunchtime ( and to lunch). On our return we got to see it. It's lovely and we are using old slates to line it. Very pleased.

As we came home news broke of Orcas on the West Coast. Rob didn't fancy it as he is still fixing the computer so Jill headed off.

It couldn't have been better, well accept for the weather, which was terrible and very foggy.

Whilst sea watching, there was a noise behind and there were 3 otters .

Wow. It was brilliant watching them even though it was so dark. Then the Orcas appeared with a shout from a few other watchers along the coast.  There were 4.

Jill felt very lucky today. 👌 

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