Friday, January 20, 2023

Might have rethink

 It was a fine dry day today so Bruce and Jim headed up to the roof. They worked together putting a slight dome on each chimney and they started from the top down. Unfortunately the mineral based product we bought doesn't seem to do what it says. Even giving the manufacturers dimensions ,they advised we needed 10 containers, seems a long way off. The chaps have used 3 tubs already and not even finished the chimneys and it needs a 2nd coat!

 Jim has an idea we are trying that might not be so expensive for the rest of the house. It's exciting

 First thing, Jill did some more peat bagging and old slate sorting. Also put a coat of pva on the corridor plasterboard ready for  painting.

Jill and Rob headed to the hospital for his usual Friday foot check. It allowed for another tip trip and on the way we saw the first ship had arrived with the viking turbine blades.

We booked the car in for new tyres and headed home. The light was lovely and it was really calm.

It was good to see the twite back near the house again.

Poor Bentley had a bit of a shower today as he was sat right next to the hose when it was switched on.  Jill made a fuss of him whilst drying off on his favourite perch.

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