Monday, January 23, 2023

Big step

 Well today was the day we moved into the bedroom.

First thing this morning, Jill, Michael and Bruce moved the bed and other bits into the new bedroom. Will have put a few other bits in there temporarily til the lounge is ready but it feels like a big step. 

The electrics get done next week but it's already keeping warm in there. This meant we can now strip out the room we were in. Yay, demolition time.

2 walls done, 2 wall and ceiling to go. It is really minging. The plasterboard had been so wet for so long it just sort of exploded but the stone work behind is good if a bit grubby.

Rob spent the morning trying to sort out the bill with the scaffold company who appear to like charging extra.

The cats have had fun going down the hole in the floorboards that we re-uncovered.

We popped to Lerwick for another tip trip and to pick up the window for the stable. When we left there were at least 5 Ravens sat on the scaffolding.

Shame it was so gloomy  they are amazing birds.

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