Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Work on the bedroom

 Now the chimneys are dry Michael and Bruce got on with the studwork of the new bedroom. We really need the electricians to come out but we are not sure when they can come  which is frustrating.

It's definately getting there.

The 'doorway' between this room and the old extension goes through the solid wall. It was just coveted by ply, which was taken down today. The gap need a bit more support!

Jill pva' d the floor as it was still a bit black from the old aga. It's had lots of scrubbing and is massively better than it was but we thought this would help to keep any remaining smell at bay. The ladders were put across with a cover when it was wet, to keep the kitties off.

Just as well we have plenty to do inside it's veeerrryy windy. Getting concerned about the ferry on Friday.

Jill worked on sanding the platerboard in the 2nd bedroom upstairs, pva'd it and washed the really grubby floor. It is starting to look pretty good. The ceiling was started with some white paint round the edges.

Thought it was about time Rob had a hair cut to get rid of his Einstein mullet.

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...