Saturday, November 19, 2022

No plans

 As we weren't supposed to be here, we had no plans for today. It was stillnpretty blowy- about 50mph, and drizzly but we decided on a bit of birdwatching. 

We started at Tingwall and Scalloway but only found a few tufted duck  and some gulls. Heading down south we stoppped for a splosh watch.

Onwards to Spiggie where we had Whooper Swans and lots of thrushes, with a lucky break in the cloud.

Then it was down to Quendale for a sea watch were we were surprised to still find a Gannet and a Great Northern Diver.

By the time we got to the mill it was almost dark (3.30pm) but there only seemed to be house Sparrows and Starlings today. A quick  stop at Grutness to see the swell as our neighbours ferry will go in that today
 Rather them than us. Then home

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...