Sunday, September 4, 2022

Got the bug

 Last night was amazing. No, beyond amazing. It was a clear night but abit breezy. We are signed up to the Shetland Aurua hunter group and we got a message to say it was going to be good.

Most islanders say you actually can't see it until you take a photo. They are sort of right, but last night's wasn't minor. We headed off at 10pm and it was already visible with a green tinge. We found a spot overlooking the North and just messed around with settings, taking photos. When we first arrive you could easily see the curtain effect with the naked eye- and some of the colour, but when you point a camera at it- well it blows your mind. The first two were taken on the mobile as we left. The first one is what we could actually see.

The as we got to a stop on the hill this happened

We both have the bug now and headed out locally today. We weren't looking for birds but for good locations that point north!. We did stumble across a few birds on the way.

It was good to see great Northern Divers back. The little head popped up in front while we were watching it.

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