Thursday, September 15, 2022

All go

Its all being going on in the house over the last 2 days. Michael has put in the bathroom window and as it was really windy today, he started to box it in and put a cupboard under the window.

Patrick has been filling the old plumbing holes in the hallway and prepping doors. He has even started on the barn door. No picture sorry, it's blowing a hooley this evening, straight from the North.

Jill has been beavering away in the porch picking and pointing, about two thirds done now. It's going to be an amazing space once finished. Three blows and a tail in the distance today, possibly  humpback Whales!

Rob is still working on building consent and is currently sorting the room plan.

The scaffolding at the back came down today and they started moving it for the chimneys so we can get them sorted so they don't leak soot inside.

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