Sunday, June 12, 2022


 Well, frustration doesn't really cut it. We are trying to get our passport photos and it's a mess. The Norfolk GP still hasn't sent Scotland our medical files ( 3 months!!!!) so our GP has no record of our vaccinations so the Scottish app won't work .

We tried the English app but, surprise surprise, we aren't registered with a GP. So we tried to phone and ask for a paper copy nearly 2 weeks ago, it says 4-5 days so should be fine. They can only send to our previous English address which is fine as we have 1st class we should have had time, even with 2 bank Holidays. Guess what- they haven't arrived. There will be lots of phone calls tomorrow to fix it. Hopefully Norfolk GP will email it to us as its there fault. We also have the Scottish NHS team on it as they have a  special department for cross border. DAFT ISNT IT. Hopefully we can get it sorted.

Anyway, we did have time to  do some work today. Rob did some more work on the house plans and Jill did some more soggy wood removal. Unique draft excluders behind- several old pairs of Jeans and a blanket.

Again though, the stonework isn't too bad.

Then Jill tried the new mower and started cutting the grass before a bit more packing. 

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Lots of walking

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