Sunday, November 10, 2024

Busy weekend

 Doesn't feel like November, luckily,  as it means Jill can carry on outside. The first bit of path is nearing completion. It just needs facing and the pipes need boxing in. One box is made, again using recycled slates.

We had quiz night on Friday which was really good fun- and we came last! Saturday night Jill helped make sandwiches ready for the remembrance teas, there was an aurora on the way home, and today we went and ate said teas. Yum. 

There was quite a big moon too. Shining on the loch.

There was a brilliant display of WW1 local history.

We have had our first order of a canvas from a local photographer. Hopefully Rob can impress him as his work is really good and he likes to exhibit. We also donated a prize to the swimming club auction.

We managed to squeeze in  a quick drive to town to charge and shop and the usual hospital appointment. Rob  foot is healing really well. After we tried to find the short toed lark but there was masses of disturbance as about 20 sse trucks went past. Did get our first Shetland Great Crested Grebe though and lots of Whoopers.

As we now have a 13amp charger cable so we did a quick check of Sandness too. 

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