Friday, October 11, 2024

Mirrie dancers

 Recently, everytime there has been the chance to get the Mirrie Dancers its been too cloudy so we weren't going to miss this one. It was a nice calm evening and we had all of 30 minutes before it clouded over, but you could actually see the pink with the naked eye. The whole sky lit up. Amazing!.

There was actually a small gap in the clouds when we got home giving an interesting effect.

Today was hospital day. It does get a bit tedious so Jill sloped of to do some shopping leaving Rob at the eye clinic. Off too cope. Didn't find a stool which is what we are looking for, but found something totally silly instead.  Jill's friend Alex would love it!

It just couldn't be left there.

We popped down to Sandwick for a very showy cattle Egret.

And then Hoswick for the Lesser Whitethroat that could be eastern race. It's certainly very pale!.

Tonight was quiz night. Hmmm, we didn't do so well but had a really good laugh with Christine and Malcolm.

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