Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Two tick day

 Yesterday was very wet so Bruce did a few bits outside and then went home to dry off. Jill was feeling rubbish, probably the anti biotics, and Rob did some paperwork. Bit boring for the blog really.

Today , however, was sunny with the odd peerie shower.

We headed off for the surgery to get Ribs foot checked. While there news broke of a lancelated warbler at Levenwick so off we popped. We spent 3 hours staring at bits of grass waiting for it to move. It did, and we saw it, but it wasn't hanging around for photos! 

Then we went to Sumburgh and Grutness. Island tick of a smart Lapland bunting, spotted flycatcher and brief rb flycatcher.

The news broke of a Pallas's grasshopper warbler at Maywick  we arrived quickly but missed the best views. Did see it in flight though several times. 2 nice new birds for Jill today.

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