Sunday, September 15, 2024

It was a surprise

 It turns out Rob has Sepsis caused by an abscess on a tooth! Didn't see that one coming. He is much better  with temperature back to normal but very weak and so can't stand. The sepsis has also caused a problem with his left eye, so he will need to go to Aberdeen once the infection has totally cleared. We are very glad the hospital were so thorough. He's a lucky boy we got it early.

Jill didn't visit for long today to let him sleep. Everyone knows how hard it is to sleep in there! So, had a little mosey around along the harbour and Victoria pier. Lovely tall ship in, I think from Norway so got a nice view of old and new with a modern cruiseship

Had a  meal deal lunch on the harbour watching the gulls and seals catching up some fish waste from a pelagic that came in this morning.

The parking spot also attracted a rather handsome Raven.

Quick trip to the tip to drop of some stuff and to see the Hooded crowd.

And then home.

 Painted up Robs chest of drawers

Did a bit of strimming, put some more chocks in upstairs and carried up some insulation board. 

There is something Jill has been a bit remiss about on the blog. But today she made time. There are around 500 to 600 starlings that Roost in the big barn. They come in dribs and drabs and get louder and louder. It's great to watch 

Was hoping  for Aurora but it clouded over.

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...