Monday, July 8, 2024

Railly great

 We actually saw the big yellow round thing in the sky for a bit today.

The cats liked the weather better. Spice even came in to say hello, and to get his food!

The wildflowers in the garden seemed to be more cheerful too.

As it was still this morning, Jill sprayed the reachable bits if the roof,  from the veluxes, with chloris to kill the lichen. One and a half sides done, the rest needs a big ladder. Then it was a bit mire work upstairs sanding round the windows and starting to paint round them.

Bruce had a fiddly job if putting the rail up on the stairs.

Jill also started on the shuttering in the blue barn  for some concrete and sanded down some more spindles from the tip.

We made the most of the nice evening and popped out. It felt like a real treat!

Also found a picture on the camera from the other day. Distant shot so left it, but it's a Sparrowhawk.

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