Monday, July 22, 2024

Getting ready for foundations

 Quite a few bits worked on yesterday. The last coat on the big window, paint on the ogee, door handle on, trim round the arch,  and some other bits and bobs.

We took he afternoon off for some puffin time and stopped at our friend Penny's on the way home.

It was a lovely afternoon and Jill  had a lovely chat with a couple from Caithness.

Today Jill carried on doing bits and bobs along with some more pai ting. Handles back on the windows too. Bruce started building the frame for the foundations for the replacement porch extension 

The new bed has been unboxed and Jill will tackle that tomorrow.

Lovely cloud formations today

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...