Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Coving time

 Short blog today but a good one. The coving has gone up in the landing. It looks amazing and opens out the area. Joints are done and can be repainted with the ceiling, when dry. Loving it.

Bruce put coat if gloss on the picture rail so hopefully that can go up tomorrow. 

Jill put some caulk in the gaps in the porch ceiling so that can have another coat tomorrow. Also the ' strawberry milkshake pink wall got a third coat and the wooden window area got some more varnish.

It was a bit chilly to be outside today. Northerly wind and only 10 degrees but Jill did a few minutes on the gravelled area. Dug up what looks like an old motor or pump, it's beyond rusty, and a broken concrete sill.

Looking forward tomorrow. Tall ships. Disappointed we ordered a wheelchair for Rob but it hasn't arrived in time.

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Lots of walking

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