Monday, May 8, 2023

Hunt for a tit

 Bruce did a half day today - we'll let him off. ☺ 

Jill and Bruce worked together sanding the bathroom  which really is a horrible messy job. Then a little bit of touching up and we can go to the next stage tomorrow.

Rob wasn't feeling well so he spent the afternoon in bed. Jill left him in the quiet and  checked a few plantations. One distant Whinchat, one Willow Warbler and a few chiff chaff.

Then the news came out about a Great Tit near West Burrafirth. Jill headed over and spenymt an hour looking but couldn't find it. They are scarce birds here. Lots of Sparrows though and rain!

Did find 2 red throated divers and a posing oystercatcher.

Lots of Wheatears about too.

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