Sunday, November 13, 2022

Walk round Ellen Gray's bottom

 And no we are not kidding.

Jill went for a walk this morning starting at Burrastow House. It was a lovely morning and it was a beautiful walk with dramatic scenery. No sign of Ellen Gray though or her bottom.

From the path you can see across to the watchtower on Vaila. Would be nice to get the chance to go over one day. 

Lots of very colourful fungi too. ( Yes, still need to get a book)

A few bits and bobs of wildlife around too.

On the way home Jill spotted that the seed we have been putting down near the house is bringing birds in. 3 male pheasants ( we can't call them all Phillip so it will be Phillip, Philias and Phrank), 5 Hooded crows and a pile of fieldfares.

Pleased to get some photos. There are lots about but they are camera shy.

This afternoon Rob did some cleaning and Jill did some painting in a bedroom. It's exciting.

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New toy

 Jill's old strimmer broke so she got to play with the new one today but forgot to take a photo. Bit tired!. Will take a picture tomorro...