Thursday, March 31, 2022


 Well, we were both at it today. Jill started on the polystyrene tiles and old wallpaper upstairs and rob started on some of the nicoteeny flaky paint downstairs. 5 black bags of rubbish are now awaiting the next bonfire

The wallpaper was pretty bad as there was also a sheet or polystyrene between the layers. Little white bobbles will be found for months!. The first lay would actually have been quite pretty. Oldest on the left.

The paint will take longer as it comes  off in tiny amounts. It's better than the filthy colour after stripping though and some of the timber will be salvagable. There once was a pretty shade of pink.

We were quite pleased how much we got done today.

To end the blog today, a question for you. What's this wooden item?. Dodgy photo I know but it's pretty big so I put it by the bath for scale. It was found in one of the bedrooms

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