Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day off

 Yesterday we spent the day shifting furniture around so we can settle in the kitchen - even with its leak. It looks busy, but quite cosy.

The blog didn't get done as we had a night out and went to the Biosecurity talk with the Shetland bird club. It was very interesting

We popped out via the house, to check on the kitties and met our next door neighbour who was just off for some fishing on Watsness loch. Very nice chap who is just about half a mile away

 Then the day didn't go so well as we decided to have the day off and go for some birdwatching/photography.  Unfortunately Jill's camera decided to die with style. Luckily it's still, just, under warranty but will have to go back to the mainland. The old DX was dug out of the camera bag and will just about do.

We popped into the camera shop to see if they had any ideas. But they had no joy with it either.

On the way back we decided to see the Sperm whale again. Unfortunately it is still at Whiteness and not looking so well but it is a truly beautiful spot.

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